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123 N. Hill St
South Bend, IN 46617



Everyone can do a small part...

Guest User

...and together, we have a big impact

We'd love to see more Member-owners shopping at the Co-op!  We are so happy to have almost 600 Member-owners - people in our community that have made a commitment to a small sustainable business and good food.

Over 400 of our Member-owners spend less than $45 of their food dollars each week (some, far less).  As a Member-owner - the most important thing you can do for Purple Porch, the business - is to shop here.  If 400 Member-owners dedicated only $10 more per week toward buy their food at PPC - that would bump us up a whopping $200,000 more revenue for the year!  And that is significant for a young small business like our's.