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123 N. Hill St
South Bend, IN 46617


Board of Directors

Purple Porch Food Co-op Board of Directors

Dwight King,



I recently became a co-op member, and I am eager to become more involved in the organization. I believe that my experiences as a member and chair of several committees of my former professional organization, the American Association of Law Libraries, will enhance my ability to make valuable contributions. I have volunteered for over twenty years at the Downtown Soup Kitchen, located in the First United Methodist Church. After receiving my COVID-19 vaccination, I began volunteering with Cultivate Food Rescue. I welcome the opportunity to further my involvement in providing nourishing food to the South Bend community through work with Purple Porch.

Coy Brown, Vice President


I am able to dig deeper within our community (with others in unison) which focuses their mind and heart on impacting our neighborhoods about providing rich, nutrient, and holistic approach to food and the passive effects it can have through each person and family’s. In addition, I’m excited to join due to the fact there is real impact on the ground level to change the paradigm around what locally sourced and truly sustainable food looks like, and what a full circle ecosystem can do throughout a community and the possibilities it can render for todays and tomorrows generation of farmers and consumers. 

Rona Plummer, Treasurer


I am happy to join the PPFC Board of Directors to become involved with a community-owned business. My experience in public library work has shown me the importance of sustained and intentional partnerships to achieve common goals. Like a co-op, public libraries are a space of connecting and gathering. My public service mindset will complement the co-ops goal of growing relationships close to home. The Porch provides South Bend with economic benefits, such as more local spending, rootedness, equity, creativity and participation. As a member-owner, the PPFC provides me with a reliable source of vegetarian and gluten-free food, while supporting small farmers and local producers.

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Rosie Leyva, Secretary


I love my community and what it has to offer, including cooperatives. I’ve been involved with a housing cooperative since 2015 and I love the challenges and positive outcomes cooperatives bring. I am eager to serve on the PPC board and learn about food cooperatives, knowing that healthy food options are not accessible to everyone. Supporting local farmers and small businesses is important to me.

Felicia Metoyer


I am excited to be part of the PPFC because it provides a way for me to give back to our community by supporting local producers of thoughtfully-sourced food and goods and a welcoming place to shop and enjoy them.

Sheila McCarthy


Zach Schrank


Sarah Carruthers


I am eager to join the PPFC Board of Directors to support the good work of the Purple Porch. I joined my first co-op as a member-owner in 2010 and have been a co-op fan ever since. I appreciate shopping somewhere that values environmental responsibility and sustainability. I want to support local producers who are enriching our community and providing nourishing, healthy food.

Scott Thompson


I am very much looking forward to the chance to give a little bit back, to the Porch and the Bend both.  The PPFC has done so much for me, my wife, our kids, and their friends over the last decade, I'm excited to have a chance to actually co-operate with the co-operative itself.  It's been a little one sided, in my favor, for far too long now. It's a nexus for the DTSB community, a place of inclusivity and acceptance, and I'm so grateful to be a part of it. 

Richard Klinedinst


As a member of the PPFC Board, I hope to join in the good work of the co-op and help strengthen its community partnerships and financial sustainability. I’ve been a member-owner of PPFC since 2014 and am grateful for the important role it plays in the South Bend community - from supporting local farmers and producers to ensuring access to quality food for all.

The next scheduled board meeting will be on Tuesday March 25, 2025.

DATE and TIME: The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors is every FOURTH TUESDAY from 6:30-8:30pm.  Meetings are open to all member-owners.  Occasionally the board will need to meet in an executive session which is board exclusive, but the other agenda items will normally come first.

The first 5-10 minutes are always reserved for member-owners to participate. As a member-owner - you are welcome.  Do you have questions for the board?  Ideas on how to make the co-op better?  This is your time.  

LOCATION: Community Learning Center of St. Joe County Public Library (305 S. Michigan St.) Join us in Classroom C.

Purple Porch Co-op’s Board of Directors conducts its business using the Policy Register Model, as do the boards of many cooperatives throughout the country.

Our 2024 Annual All Member Meeting was held in August. The General Manager’s State of the Co-op slides are available HERE.

The Bylaws

The Board Meeting Minutes

Eligibility, Expectations, and Qualifications of Board Membership include:

  • Must be a Member-Owner of PPFC in good standing

  • Must be 18 years old or older

  • Must state all potential conflicts of interest on application and must not have an overriding conflict of interest

  • A three-year commitment to serving on the Board

  • Familiarity with and adherence to the Co-op’s Bylaws and Policy Governance

  • Preparation for, and active participation at, monthly Board Meetings & any ad hoc / emergency meetings.

  • Attendance at Board training sessions, the annual retreat, and the annual Owner meeting

  • Ability to understand financial statements provided by the General Manager (training provided!)

  • Access to the Internet and availability to respond to frequent Board work-related online communications including Email, access to Google Docs (where Board documentation resides) & phone.

  • A willingness to take responsibility for Board duties and to work together with understanding, mutual support and respect

  • An ability to keep information and materials confidential

  • Integrity, flexibility, and common sense

Role and Responsibilities of the Purple Porch Co-op Board of Directors:

  • Legal representative of the Owner / Members and is responsible for the overall well-being of Purple Porch Co-op.

  • Create and sustain a meaningful relationship with Owners

  • Hire, compensate, delegate responsibility to, and hold accountable a General Manager

  • Have expectations in the form of written governing policies that realistically address the broadest levels of all organizational decision and situations.

  • Assign responsibility in a way that honors our commitment to empowerment and clear distinction of roles

  • Regularly assess operational performance by monitoring our written governing policies

  • Perpetuate the board’s leadership capacity using ongoing education, training, and recruitment

  • Ensure that the cooperative remains financially secure and that owners receive a reasonable value on their equity in accordance with cooperative principles

  • All Directors commit to a Code of Conduct and must sign a Conflict of Interest form.

The board is not involved with the daily operations of the store.

The Board Directors have a duty to represent the Owners at large and not a particular constituency, and to act in the Owners’ best interests.