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South Bend, IN 46617


Board Candidates 2016

Purple Porch Co-op

2016 Annual Meeting Board of Director Candidates

To all member-owners of the Purple Porch Co-op:

The Purple Porch Co-op membership will elect Board Members for the 2017-2020 term at our Annual Members’ Meeting on Sunday, October 30.  Pursuant to our current by-laws, we advertised the available openings through the “Porch Post” newsletter on September 13, 2016, inviting interested members in good standing to answer a few key questions.     Two individuals, Chris Hebron and Russ Pierce, are being forwarded to the membership for election.

Chris Hebron is one of our producers, a long-time board member, and past president of the PPC.  He brings a wealth of experience along with a deep commitment to growing PPC into a hub of a local, sustainable food network.

Russ Pierce joined the PPC Board of Directors last December to fill an unexpired term.  He brings to the Board a passion for food justice, building effective organizations, and fighting hunger and poverty. He currently serves on the executive team of CWS, an international co-operative NGO bringing just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster to communities in over 30 countries.

The Board of Directors continues to invite expressions of interest from member-owners as we look to fill occasional openings on the Board of Directors and look forward additional elections in March 2017.